Reflective Practice: Using video to improve teaching
Recording lessons is not only good for your students – Daniel talks about how it has helped to reflect on his teaching as well.
Recording lessons is not only good for your students – Daniel talks about how it has helped to reflect on his teaching as well.
Recording your lessons is one way to blend learning that can benefit all of your students.
Questions for reflection:
What are your students talking about in your classroom?
Is there a place for conversation in your math class?
Conversation can help develop all 3 competencies in the Diversified Basic Education Math program. How can you design opportunities for conversation about math into your learning situations?
Questions for reflection:
How are you helping yourself through a shift to learning situations?
What is changing in your practice? What is staying the same?
Changing how we think about math and addressing myths and assumptions about math with our students can be an essential element of success.
Questions for Reflection:
How are your students using math to make sense of the world around them?
How is your practice changing with the shift towards contextual math learning situations?