Questions for Reflection:
How are your students using math to make sense of the world around them?
How is your practice changing with the shift towards contextual math learning situations?

What does a changing math mindset look like in the adult education classroom?

Ines, Jordan, and Ayodele talk about inviting students into the conversation about their math learning – that math is so much more than memorization and it is through math conversations that learning “sticks”. Mariève Gagné, Math and Resource Teacher from ACCESS centre of the Riverside School Board views math teaching and learning in a similar way.

Link to Ines and Jordan’s article:

Link to Ayodele’s article:

Take a look at how Mariève Gagné helps her students to challenge their beliefs and shift their mindsets about learning math as she talks about how it all fits in with our new programmes in Adult Education:

To view the rest of the playlist:

Learning resources created by Mariève Gagné (Teacher, RSB), Avi Spector (RECIT Consultant, RSB),  and Tracy Rosen (RECIT Consultant, CSSMI), 2016.

Thank you!

If you would like more information about these resources, please contact Avi Spector or Tracy Rosen.