Questions for reflection
How do you collaborate with your colleagues to improve student learning?
How do you and your colleagues work towards shared goals?
Have you ever used a co-teaching model? Why or why not?
**this resource includes videos about the theory as well as videos about how it is put into practice in Quebec.

What is Collective Teacher Efficacy?

Collective teacher efficacy is when teachers believe that, together, they can make an impact on student learning. It is more than just a “We Can Do It!” attitude, though. Collective teacher efficacy is belief that is grounded in theory or data about student learning – Jenni Donohoo states it simply as collaborative conversation based on evidence. John Hattie also describes it as a collective belief that teachers cause learning, not students.


What is “collective teacher efficacy?” from Challenging Learning on Vimeo. John Hattie shares his thoughts on Collective Teacher Efficacy which is the new number one factor in Visible Learning. #challenginglearning #evidenceofimpact #collectiveefficacy

What can Collective Teacher Efficacy look like in a school?

The idea that teachers collaborate towards shared goals, based on the collective belief that they impact learning as well as solid evidence is a big one. In this video series, Angela Davison, teacher at Forest Hill Senior School, describes how this idea is put into practice.

Angela starts by talking about how and why the school staff support each other so closely. She talks about a shared philosophy as well as creating an environment that allows people to take risks. The final video describes a project that the Cycle 2 teachers collaborated on and its impact on student learning over time.

Original resources created by Angela Davison (Teacher, LBPSB), Avi Spector (RECIT consultant, RSB) and Tracy Rosen (RECIT Consultant, CSSMI), 2020. Article written by Tracy Rosen.

If you would like more information about these resources or if you have something you would like to add to this, please contact Avi Spector.

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