The RASE Model for Online or Tech-based Teaching

The video made with ScreenPal helps to visualize the different components needed to teach effectively online or to lead a technology-based lesson. There are two elements to the video that are at play and that need further explanation: the Gather environment and the RASE model. is a website that allows users to create virtual environments that are navigated in a way that is similar to 80s video games. Once you have created an avatar, you stroll around the space interacting with designated objects or video conferencing with one or several other users. Proximity to another avatar causes your camera to be seen by others. The merits of this software are many, but the major drawback is the price. The free version allows 10 users (including yourself) to use the environment. The environment in the video could be used for work among teachers or with a consultant. You can have your own copy of it by contacting the RÉCIT AGE team at 

The other important element is the RASE model. Although it was originally conceived for university level online teaching, the model is based on sound pedagogical practices. 

  1. Relevant resources must be available to students. Those resources allow students greater autonomy if they have a direct impact on understanding tasks to be completed. It is important for the teacher to have these resources in mind or on hand while building pedagogical activities, so that connections can be made between the former and the latter.
  2. Pedagogical activities should be student-centered and grounded as much as possible in the real world. Giving choice and agency to students when completing a task using digital tools promotes autonomy. Stimulating activities breed student interest, which in turn also fosters student autonomy. Activities that require teacher intervention are difficult to manage online or while using technology. 
  3.  Support should be varied and accessible to students. Again, teachers should not be at the center of providing support. There are a number of artifacts like FAQs or instruction sheets that can be made available for either technical or pedagogical support. It is also imperative that students have an outlet for asking questions without interrupting the teacher. Microsoft Teams and Google Chat are excellent solutions for that.  
  4. Evaluation or ongoing formative assessments help keep students on track. Although digital teaching and learning work best when student autonomy is promoted, it is important to have a structure that includes reporting back to the teacher from time to time. This can take the form of an exit ticket with two or three well-devised questions about the student’s progress and the effectiveness of the educational technology being used for learning. 

With digital teaching and learning evolving at an extremely rapid pace, teachers should embrace their relationship with technology and its usage during class time. The RASE model is helpful in organising content and support so that students can be as autonomous as possible without losing sight of the teacher. That human connection is a very important factor in maintaining student motivation.


Here is a folder with resources that were used to create the Gather RASE environment.