Twitter 2: Found My Voice!
Use twitter at least 15 mins a week, follow quite a few people & some follow you. Participate more actively on Twitter with Tweets and Retweets.
Use twitter at least 15 mins a week, follow quite a few people & some follow you. Participate more actively on Twitter with Tweets and Retweets.
Follow a sizable group of interesting educators on twitter and have at least 150 followers. Contribute regularly to the education Twittersphere.
Understand & use most or all of the vocabulary pertaining to the Pedagogical Renewal, the CCBE or DBE programs and your field.
Understand the basics of different education taxonomies and comment on some of their strengths and weaknesses.
Learn something entirely new for you and reflect on the process and your ZPD.
Watch Learning to Change – Changing to Learn… At least twice ;o). And share with others.
Watch the Stephen Heppell / Marc Prensky conversation on the changing role of the teacher and share with others.
Watch Geoffrey Canada’s TED Talk: Our Failing Schools. Enough Is Enough! and share with others.
Watch Rita Pierson’s TED Talk: Every Kid Needs a Champion and share with others.
Type at a speed of at least 65 WPM.
Type at a speed of at least 40 WPM.
Type with a certain level of ease (20 WPM+).